Tagged: developers

Simple CGI programming

A simple HTTP server serves static HTML, Javascript, CSS, Images, etc. Sometimes you need a bit of dynamic content from the server-side. There are simple microframeworks to mega frameworks to achieve this. You could use any of these available web frameworks on the server side. But let’s say you don’t have access to any of those frameworks, and you want it to be simple and lightweight. You could try CGI.

Or you are just a web geek and want to spend an hour on old but interesting technology.

My Boring Yet Modern Web Starter Stack

I like to use the same stack again and again. It makes me productive, makes code less buggy, and builds knowledge over time. Unless there is a real need like unmaintained software or a different kind of application or unless I am going to build a Facebook or Google, I rarely change things in this stack. Even if I am going to build Facebook, I would start here and then adjust as it grows, just like Facebook did with it’s stack.

Linked List: FOSS Android Apps for GIT Users

I do quite a bit of work on the go; most of it happens on the phone. It’s not easy to software development on the phone. That is mostly due to the small screen size and lack of a hardware keyboard. Nevertheless, I have made numerous small changes to code on the phone, deployed them. The other big use case is browsing the code on the go, doing reviews and accepting merge requests, etc. I use the following apps for the same.