Simple mash of Twitter and Google Maps

Got inspired by Twittervision mapping your tweets on Google Map. They don't have a widget to put the map on your blog. Nevertheless I wouldn't have used their widgets as they slow down the site. I hacked a piece of code in php/js to achieve the same on my site.

Geo microformat L:lat,lan is used to represent the position data. It takes 21 characters to represent my geo location accurately. 21 characters out of 140 characters is high but its worth when you are traveling. Its very interesting to see tweets of your travel time on map.

As of now it shows only the latest tweet on the map1. My next idea is to show multiple tweets on the map. Allow user to choose the number of tweets. That will be cool when I am traveling specially after buying this gps logger (Thanks to Sunish).

I am also using hashtags to tag my tweets which will help me to fetch the tweets related to a context. So using hashtags I can map related tweets on the map. Think of looking at all my missionkk tweets on the map. That will be great right?

The project is called WWW- When Where What and the url is Have a look and let me know.

[1] If a tweet doesn't have geo info it will pointed to my home.

3 Responses

  1. Tony Hirst says:

    I recently posted a related mashup using a yahoo pipe to geocode the contents of a twitter feed and then dislay them on a map.

    See for an example

  2. Thejesh GN says:

    Yes. Yahoo pipes reverse geocoding works pretty well now. You can see the same on Global Voices on Map

  3. Followed the link in comments section of my blog and landed here. Neat stuff! I like the global voices project. Fiddled with it for quite some time :)