Geeks and Embarrassments

I have been a geek all my life, mostly embarrassing friends and family around me. This time I went a step further. It was meant to be a personal letter. I sent it to an email list. I told her what happened. She was embarrassed.

She likes most things about me. This time it took a couple of seconds. She smiled at me and asked -
whether her name too was open data? Of course there I was covered.

She wrote this for the geek inside me

I could question him every day for proof of his love
Instead I said, “Make me your password”
The clarity of his reply resounded
With the assurance I needed.
“You are already a part of my hard disk key”, said Clarity
The loveliest gesture in his digital world.
His writing ability often vexs me
His spellings, grammar; like monkeys on a page
Misbehave to ruin the moments in his coaxed letters.
One January evening, he hands me an LIC diary.
Later when I open to make it my own
“To my Life Insurance” sing the monkeys in harmony
And my “fine” writing ability goes up in flames
as my heart melts into a puddle of love
for my simpleton.

1. Well I am not embarrassed any more.
2. Of course password has been changed since them. And it wasn't simple name based password if you know what I mean :)

1 Response

  1. Sanjay Nayak says:

    Nice poem. Congrats!