A discussion led by
By Thejesh GN
who owns it?
in real world
But for my friends
I am still Thejesh GN
Only I can revoke itOnline
But for my friends
I am still 0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0
Only I can revoke itSign my 0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0
So how do you share your files?
Is it completely free of centralized network?
Use Tribler
p2p bittorrent client. With DHT and distributed indexing and searching.
Is it private?
Not really. You are sharing with the world and everybody can see your bits.
Use Retroshare
RetroShare is free software for encrypted, serverless email, Instant messaging, BBS and filesharing based on a friend-to-friend network built on GPG. It is not strictly a darknet since peers can optionally communicate certificates and IP addresses from and to their friends.
$gpg --gen-key
Thanks for participating
I am Thejesh GN
My key is 0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0
Lets meet to sign each others keys.
My other presentations.
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