
Hackathon + Workshop

led by

Thejesh GN

Heads Up

Ask questions at any point.

Idea is to learn and develop by the end of the session.

Who am I?

I am Thejesh GN, Technologist from Bangalore.

Co-founder of DataMeet and Architect at Mavrix.

At some point I have worked for NextDrop, A Political Campaign, IWP, Infosys etc


What are we planning to do?

  • Collect Requirement
  • Design Minimum viable product
  • Learn some tech & tools
  • Hack

What to consider

  • Timelines
  • Technology/Tools
  • Target Platforms
  • Developement
  • Deployment
  • Maintanance

Let's start

Collect Requirements

Requirements > Filters > MVP


Draw > Convert > Flows

Choose Technology/Platform

Choose Tools

Setup the dev env



Thank You

BY Thejesh GN / thejeshgn.com

Watch this movie when you find time. Thank you.