• mousePressed() is called once after every time a mouse button is pressed.
  • mouseReleased() is called every time a mouse button is released.
  • mouseClicked() is called once after a mouse button has been pressed and then released.
  • mouseMoved() is called every time the mouse moves and a mouse button is not pressed
  • mouseDragged() is called once every time the mouse moves and a mouse button is pressed.
  • mouseButton is the variable that stores which button is pressed. Its values are LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER depending on which button is pressed.
  • mousePressed is true if a mouse button is pressed and false if a button is not pressed.
  • mouseX and mouseY contains the current horizontal/verticle coordinate of the mouse.
  • pmouseX and pmouseY contains the previous horizontal/verticle coordinate of the mouse
  • //draw a from(20,20) to mouse point as mouse moves
    void draw()
      line(20, 20,mouseX, mouseY);
    //draw a from(20,20) to a point where mouse is pressed 
    void draw()
    void mousePressed() {
      if(mouseButton == LEFT){
        line(20, 20,mouseX, mouseY);
  • Draw points along the way mouse is dragged.
  • boolean dragged = false;
    int x =0;
    int y =0;
    void setup(){
    void draw(){
     dragged = false;
    void mouseDragged(){ 
        dragged = true;
         x = mouseX;
         y = mouseY;
  • Try: Draw line along the way mouse is clicked.