5. Lab
Created Monday 10 November 2014 - Map Class
Available Data to experiment
- Bangalore Data (Ward maps, BBMP election results, census data at BBMP level)
- BMTC Data (Bus stops and routes)
- BWSSB data (Water boundaries)
- PC and AC data, Election results
- Conversions
- Address to GeoCode
- GeoCode to Address
- Raster to Vector
- Raster to Vector is straight forward if the raster image has gis info ex: GeoTiff
- GeoReferecing
- Vector to Raster
- Vector to Raster is easy
- Expore different type of map file formats and conversions within QGIS or on web
- With QGIS or Leaflet
- Simple Choropleth or On Google Maps or On Leaflet
- Plotting points, lines and polygons
- HeatMap QGIS or Leaflet BBMP maps or
- GIS DB & GIS functions
- Find center of Polygons
- Go to the menu -> Vector -> Geometry tools -> polygon centroid and create a centroid point layer
- Find if a point is inside a polygon (which ward do i belong)
- Intersect between points layer polygon layer
- Join attributes by location
- Add polygon attributes to points
- Terraformer JS script
- SpatialLite DB (spatialite_gui)
- Find center of Polygons
select * from BBMP_wards_2011_region where ST_Within(ST_GeomFromText("POINT(77.59456269966904 12.971598700795482)"),Geometry)
- Difference between layers
- Old BBMP
- New BBMP
- Intersection (common area)
- Pincode