Translating OpenStreetMap to Kannada or Any Language

Register at OSM

Create OSM account if you dont have.

Create OSM account if you dont have.


Login to OSM

Login to OSM

Edit Mode

Click on Edit, Select "Edit with id( in Browser)".

Click on Edit, Select "Edit with id( in Browser)".

Enable Kannada in Chrome input tools. You have to install "Google Input Tools" chrome addon for this. If you know any other way to enter/type Kannada, then that is fine too.

Enable Kannada in Chrome input tools. You have to install "Google Input Tools" chrome addon for this. If you know any other way to enter/type Kannada, then that is fine too.

Select an Item to Translate

Select a poi/area/road to translate.

Select a poi/area/road to translate.

Add translation

Click on the plus sign next to the name to get options to translate.

Click on the plus sign next to the name to get options to transalate.

Choose or Type Kannada in the language drop down.

Choose or Type Kannada in the language drop down.

Now enter the translated name.

Now enter the translated name.


Save after every logical step.

Save after every logical step.

Enter meaningful comments in English.

Enter meaningful comments in English.


OSM saves.

OSM saves.

You are Awesome

Done. You are awesome. Now go translate more.

Done. You are awesome. Now go translate more.

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