Weekly Notes 06/2025
I am back in Bengaluru. It’s been a busy couple of days catching up with all the pending work. I am yet to read quite a few emails. I think the weekend is also going to be busy as well.
A container for all my views with excerpts from technology, travel, films, books, kannada, friends and other interests. I am Thejesh GN, friends call me Thej.
In this Kumbha Mela, I walked a lot with both my phone and camera all the time. I saw many people of different kinds, but I didn’t take as many pictures as I had expected. I don’t know why. I do not believe in any specific god or religion; this was the biggest...
I have been to Varanasi before, and I have walked on ghats. What I had not noticed during those walks was the number of dogs and how social they were. Once you start noticing, they are everywhere. If you know me already, you know that I am not a great photographer. Photography is...
I have been in IITM/Chennai since Wednesday. It was a work-as-usual week, along with meeting folks related to the course I teach at IITM. I worked during the day and met folks during breaks. Evenings we went out for dinners. On the first day, we had incredible non-vegetarian food at Sorgam. On the...
Time flies faster than we can think of. Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2025 is open for applications; this is our eighth edition. When I started it, I didn’t think much about how it would turn out in a couple of years. So, there were no expectations. But it has grown into its own...
Welcome to the eighth edition of the NMG grant. It seems like it started yesterday, and it’s already been eight years. I am grateful to friends (Nemo, Gangadhar, Shweta, Divya) and other anonymous folks who have joined me on this journey with additional grant support. We do have some of them supporting us...
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Thejesh GN (ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್) "Thej" is an Independent Technologist, Hacker, Maker, Traveler, Blogger, InfoActivist, Open data and Open internet enthusiast from Bangalore, India. He loves experimenting with all things life and hence some times he is called hacker and other times duct tape. You can read more about him here. Email [ i @ thejeshgn dot com]. PGP/GPG Keys are here.
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(C) Thejesh GN.The views expressed on this site are mine (Thejesh GN) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. Please read the terms and conditions before reading or commenting on this blog.