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Apress is a technical publisher devoted to meeting the needs of IT professionals, software developers, and programmers,. | Tech, Non Fiction | Apress |
Archive.org | Public Domain, Fiction, Non Fiction, Free | eBooks and Texts at Archive.org |
eBooks@Adelaide - A collection of free ebook editions of significant works from the past. | Public Domain, Fiction, Non Fiction, Free | eBooks@Adelaide Web eBooks @ Adelaide OPDS Catalog |
Leanpub is a unique publishing platform that provides the best way in the world to write, publish and sell in-progress and completed ebooks. | Tech | LeanPub |
Melville House is an independent publisher located in Brooklyn, New York. It was founded in 2001 by sculptor Valerie Merians and fiction writer/journalist Dennis Johnson. | Fiction, Non Fiction | Melville House |
No Starch Press publishes the finest in geek entertainment — distinctive books focused on open source/Linux, security, hacking, programming, alternative operating systems, and science and math. | Geek, Technology, Non Fiction | No Starch Press |
O'Reilly spreads the knowledge of innovators through technology books, online services, and tech conferences. | Tech, Non Fiction | Oreilly |
OR Books is a new type of publishing company. It embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business. | Fiction, Non Fiction | OR Books |
Packt Publishing is the leading UK provider of Technology eBooks, Coding eBooks, | Tech, Non Fiction | Packtpub |
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Standard Ebooks is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit project that produces lovingly formatted, open source, and free public domain ebooks. | Public Domain, Fiction, Non Fiction, Free | Standard ebooks |
US Government Online Bookstore | Fiction, Non Fiction | ebooks |
Weightless Books | Fiction, Sci-Fi | Weightless Books |
Wikisource, the free library that anyone can improve. | Public Domain, Fiction, Non Fiction, Free | Wikisource |
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