Surveillance in Bengaluru

CCTV At Cubbon Park

It started with a personal interest in mapping surveillance in Bengaluru in the middle of 2019. I began mapping CCTV cameras in Bangalore on OSM. Initially, there were very few CCTV mappers. Now, I see so many OSM contributors mapping CCTVs. We are not officially or unofficially organized. We are just regular contributors to OSM, that's all. This page is my way of tracking the progress and a single source for work around it that I have gathered.

Live Status

Data is pulled directly from OpenStreetMap using Overpass Turbo and presented using uMap.





  • Building Surveillance in Bangalore leaderboard using Node-Red and CouchDB

    I wrote the Surveillance in Bangalore leaderboard using Budibase a while ago. However, I was not impressed with Budibase's latest changes, so I replaced it with the good old Node-Red flow. Node-Red is already running at my home, so installing it was not required. Since the data was always stored on my instance of CouchDB,… read more

  • Building Surveillance in Bangalore leaderboard using Budibase and CouchDB

    I wanted to convert the script from the blog post Who is mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru into a simple web app. I could have written a simple javascript and HTML code to call the overpass-turbo API for data and charted using javascript. All in the browser. But there was a much better option with less code. read more

  • Who is mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru

    Mapping CCTV cameras ( Surveillance ) is a community effort on OSM. You can credit OSM contributors as defined on this page when you use the data. But personally I wanted to see who are the folks who are contributing to this data. So I went to Overpass Turbo and ran this query to get... read more

  • Data: Public, Private and Beyond

    The Bachchao Project hosted the "Data: Public, Private and Beyond" from 12th to 15th May 2023 at Panjim, Goa. It's an Art on Tech exhibition inspired by The Glass Room. I wanted to go but couldn't due to personal and work reasons. I showcased Surveillance in the Bengaluru project to attract more contributors to mapping… read more

  • How to Download Surveillance in Bengaluru Data

    Everything we map goes directly to OpenStreetMap. The data on OpenStreetMap is available for free under ODBL. The easiest way to download Surveillance in Bengaluru data is from Overpass Turbo. I have written some queries below that you can use on Overpass Turbo to get the data. I also have a demo video for you. read more

  • Surveillance in Bengaluru – Updates

    I have been mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru for couple of months now. We have made some good progress. I thought it's good time to share those updates and ask for help. Mapping We have mapped 340 Public and Outdoors CCTV cameras. I think we have made good progress. But to cover the entire... read more

  • Mapping Surveillance in Bangalore using OpenStreetMap

    Table of Contents1 How to add1.1 Using OSMAnd1.2 Using Every Door2 How to get this data3 Surveillance under Surveillance4 What next?For last couple of months I have been driving quite a bit inside the city1. The biggest thing I noticed was the amount of public CCTV cameras across the city. I find them... read more

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