How to Download Surveillance in Bengaluru Data

Even though I have blogged about it in the original post about this, I keep getting asked this question, hence a dedicated blog post.

Everything we map goes directly to OpenStreetMap. The data on OpenStreetMap is available for free under ODBL. The easiest way to download Surveillance in Bengaluru data is from Overpass Turbo. I have written some queries below that you can use on Overpass Turbo to get the data. I also have a demo video for you.

How to Download Surveillance in Bengaluru Data using Overpass Turbo

What I consider Bengaluru for this project

Query to get all the surveillance in Bengaluru area defined by the bbox below.
Thejesh GN
out body;
out skel qt;

Admin area Bangalore or Bengaluru

Query to get all the surveillance in Bengaluru area.
Thejesh GN
out body;
out skel qt;

For any area

Query to get all the surveillance in area defined by the bbox below.
Thejesh GN
out body;
out skel qt;

If you have built something using this data or planning to, let me know. I am curious.

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