Birds of Ranganatittu

Ranganatittu is an outstanding bird sanctuary near Mysore . The water out of KRS forms tiny islands around 12 kms outside Mysore and these islands are the main breeding spot for birds.This Sunday morning we drove to Ranganatittu to shoot some birds. Here are some pictures from that photo shoot


I used regular Sony camera with 12x optical zoom. All the pictures were shot in sport mode. I am not sure if SLR would have made any difference. Please go through the pictures and give me your suggestions/comments.

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24 Responses

  1. JP says:

    Superb man….nice pics. Am inspired to visit them soon…

  2. sandeep says:


    Theja sooper pics maga…was waiting…worth it…

    point photography…

    especially the small birds in the nest…

  3. ManojVasanth says:

    Brilliant Pictures Thej!!

  4. sandeep says:

    Maga SLR will surely make difference with the clarity….

  5. Arjun says:

    Excellent camera work

  6. Thejesh GN says:

    @All thanks.

    @Sandeep Yes. With SLR I can focus better.

  7. nithin says:

    too goooood… pictures are amazing…

  8. Lavanya says:

    sakath photos.. some more sun would have made a positive difference i guess.. nevertheless, awesome..

  9. pallav says:

    hey, v ppl r planning 2 visit ranganathittu this weekend i.e. sunday, 23rd march,08. is it a gud time 2 visit? i mean enuf birds wil b thr at dis time?

  10. Thejesh GN says:

    @pallav Yes. Its good time.

  11. pallav says:

    can u plz tell me watz per head ticket of this sanctuary?

  12. jayachandran e s says:

    hellow thejesh.

    you are introduced to me through ur photographs by my friend rajesh balakrishnan.

    good photographs….

    let me identify some of the birds …

    images 1,4,8,11,18 painted stork, a beautiful resident bird.

    images 2, 22 : very interesting wader. great thick- knee ( great stone plover) found river side and coasts.

    images 5,9 20 : Night heron ( one adult and two juvenniles ) feeds during night.

    image3 : large pied wagtail

    image 6: excellent photo of a streak throated swallow a colonial breeder.

    image 7: a resident river tern

    image 10, 21: open billed storks ( breeding, nestlings )

    image 13 : pond herron ( wide spread all over india )

    image 17,23,25: as the picture indicates it is the “spoon bill”. many water birds have different shape and length of their bill which allow them to survive in the same place.

    image 19, 24 egrets. ( one with yellow leg is a little egret and other may be a large or median egret.)

  13. equilibrium says:

    6th picture is good! These birds are so damn cute…

  14. jayachandran e s says:

    streak throated swallow i mentioned ( image 6) is yet to be finallised. from where exactly did you took that picture? ) i meant is that whithin the sanctuary? if then where was the nest located and the habitat? i am curious on that. sometimes the photographs will have more importance than their beauty…. :-)

  15. Harsha says:

    Nice pics. Yeah Ranganatittu is very nice bird sanctuary. I visted that five years back.. ( but without camera :-( )

  16. Thejesh GN says:

    @jayachandran Yes. It was with in sanctuary. We took a boat ride and this was in one of those small rock islands.

  17. jayachandran says:

    thanks thejesh…..

    streak throated swallow is confirmed. i have seen a photograph of that species from ranganthittu taken in 2003/04. you can take better pictures with an SLR camera. ur framing is very good. ( i am from kerala interested in birdwatching — )

  18. Thejesh GN says:

    @jayachandran I am planning to visit ranganatittu again. I will try to capture on SLR.

  19. Thanks Thej for the lovely photos. I shall visit Ranganthittu soon!

    And thanks JC for your expert comments on the photos.

  20. Thejesh GN says:

    @RB thanks for inviting JC to comment on the post.

    @JC thanks a lot.

  21. S.Chandrashekar says:


    Good effort, but SLR and little basics of photography, like composition, look of lighting etc can improve a lot. If you are not aware, you can log on to Trek Nature or India nature watch, you can see lot of Bird photography. Happy Clicking.

  22. Thejesh GN says:

    Agree. I am still learning photography.

  1. March 17, 2008

    […] Ranganatittu is an outstanding bird sanctuary near mysore ( map of Bangalore to Ranganatittu). The water out of KRS forms tiny islands around 12 kms outside Mysore and these islands are the main breeding spot for birds.This Sunday morning we drove to Ranganatittu to shoot some birds. Here are some pictures from that photo shoot I used regular Sony camera with 12x optical zoom. All the pictures were shot in sport mode. I am not sure if SLR would have made any difference. Read the rest […]

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