So You Love Open Source developers………
So you love those unknown faces behind Open Source products. You like their work and suggest the same to your friends. But what if one of those developers need your help desperately to save his child........can you donate small amount like $5....the amount you spend @ccd in a week...will you help them?
"My family got bad news - doctors said allogenic bone marrow transplantation is the only chance for my son Ivan. "8 months of heavy and expensive immune suppression brought some positive results so we hoped that recovering is just question of time. Ivan is very brave boy - not every human meets so much suffering during whole life, like Ivan already met in his 2,5 years. But long road is still in front of us to get full recover - we are ready to come it through.
"Ukrainian clinics have no technical possibility to do such complex operation, so we need 150-250K EUR for Israel or European or US clinic. The final decision will be made considering amount we able to find. Perhaps my family is able to get ~60% of that by selling the flat where parents leave and some other goods, but we still require external help."
-- Andrii Nikitin, MySQL Engineer
Thanks to GBot, Dhempe and ManojVasanth who have already contributed to the effort.
I can’t seem to open the link, If I click on it, it redirects to Even pasting the link onto address bar seems to redirect to search page