Google works for me
After reading lot about Bing, I tried it yesterday. Well for me ego search comes before anything else. This time I tried thej instead of Thejesh GN. Here is what Bing gives me.

The first result is correct but none of the subsequent results on page one are not related to me.
Then tried the same thing on Google. Well Google still rocks for me. It gives my blog as first results ( two thumbs up for that) and then the twitter account.

Then just out of curiosity I tried Yahoo.

Even though I did not like the order of search results. I liked the search results. Page one had lot relevant results that mattered to me.
Google will remain my default search engine and Yahoo will remain my alternate search engine. MS you need to try harder.
1. Bing was search engine number two for a day.
2. Thanks to VSR for pointing out this cool thing. I am not ashamed of vanity.
All three show skewed results for me. :( Twitter and some url not found user profile in VMware communities..
Microsoft invariably forwarded all searched from search bar to Bing irrespective of the search engine you had chosen as default. that was the reason for the spike that day and they have corrected the behavior now :)
hahaha.. nice way to test out the things.. it is no different for me. However, I still like to be loyal to Yahoo! than the big G.
I have reviewed the bing search on my blog for my fav technical keyword. Feel free to take a look at it :)
I ego searched on all three search engines, all three displayed accurate results – my blog, twitter, facebook and friendfeed. But I guess it’s because I’ve a unique name(spelling rather).
But after trying other queries, I have to agree with you that bing is still way behind google. In fact I’m so used to the address/search bar in Chrome now, any other search engine will have to try real hard..
For my name veerasundar, even though all three search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!) returns almost the same results (may be my name is little unique! :) ), Google results are more relevant than the others.
err.. I have 15,000 results under “hrish thota” :P