Dogs of Varanasi Ghats
I have been to Varanasi before, and I have walked on ghats. What I had not noticed during those walks was the number of dogs and how social they were. Once you start noticing, they are everywhere.
If you know me already, you know that I am not a great photographer. Photography is an act of noticing things for me; when I could not take pictures, I would make notes; now, I can easily click a photo, which is how I sometimes take notes.
Today, I just did that. I walked around the ghats up and down without a plan and took some pictures. I walked about 8kms before I realized. These pictures are exported directly from the camera for the Web (low-res) without processing. I hope you enjoy dog pictures.

It was not a planned walk,so I walked up and down many times. Sat down at Sol cafe for an hour to rest.
Nice. The one titled “So sleepy” could also include … “but I still hear you”. I visited Varanasi in January 2002. The Ghats look quite the same!
I think they have been like that for a long time. Nothing much has changed.