Thank you Infosys
I entered Infosys, almost eight years back on Jan/13/2003 to be exact. I dont have to say I was young, I was also energetic and eager to work. Mysore campus is a great place to begin career, three months later returned to Bangalore. Ever since its been a great roller coaster. I worked at Mysore, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Milwaukee. Never realized how I finished seven years. Learnt a lot in those seven years. I enjoyed every bit of it.

Last year I took a break from work. It was an year well spent volunteering, traveling and meeting outfoscions & entrepreneurs. Some where inside me I knew I couldn't go back to my nine to six job. I wanted something which offered me flexibility in terms time, technology and thinking. Hence the move.
Ever since I entered Infosys back after my sabbatical. I was dreading this day. How will it be? Cliched but true, I am full of unknown emotions that cant be described. I am going to miss it.
Thank you Infosys. Its been a pleasure. Ciao.
All the best…
When are we hearing more about your next venture?
good bye man. Farewell.
All D bestu :)
Infy is losing an entire set of leaders – NRN, Nandan, MD Pai, Dinesh and Thejesh. Pls dont dismiss this as sarcasm but this is the truth.
All the best Thejesh!
All the very best!
You are a true geek who motivated several folks at Infy, me being one of them. I’m sure you will reach greater heights with your determination, passion and hunger to learn. All the best Thej!
All the best
All the best thej!!
all the bestu Thejesh. ella oLLedagali.
From what I have been following about your work in the sabbatical, I am sure will do some really off beat and good things – all the best!
You will miss Infy for sure –
All the best thejesh
All the best Thej! And nice post – captures your sentiment perfectly!
Keep us posted.
All the best Thej. Looking forward to hear more.
All the best buddy…You were a big inspiration for folks like me. Keep us posted.
Thank you guys. I will blog about my future plans.