Weekly Notes 35/2022

We reached Thrissur on Sunday. For the next few weeks, we plan to work from here. It's also Onam time of the year. The weather has been great until now. Let's hope it remains the same.

Pookkalam, On the first day of Onam festivities
  • It's Onam season, so Anju has been arranging Pookalam every morning. I will post the entire gallery at the end. You can see day one's Pookalam above.
  • Met a bunch of IITM students at IISc on Friday as part of the meetup. We had a long conversation about application development, ethics in software engineering, the Indian constitution, etc. Post-meetup conversations are usually better than the meetup themselves. 
Weather has been great
Weather has been great
  • The last few days have been hectic settling down here, especially for Echo. We are doing okay now. But Pathu, on the other hand, has already made new friends. 
Pathu's favorite pass time is to watch people.
Pathu's favorite pass time is to watch people.
  • I continue to find use-cases for self-hosted ntfy push notifications and a simple self-hosted pub/sub system. I will blog more about it. 
  • I also updated the graphs and data of IDVC with some more data points. It is semiautomatic now. I will need to integrate with Kobo's webhook system to automate it fully. I will do it at some point. But for now, not so real-time graph updates work.

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