Weekly Notes 52/2022

We were supposed to be in Bangalore tomorrow, just in time for the new year. But Anju's grandmother passed away this morning. She was 90+ years. She had a wonderful life filled with grand-kids, great grand-kids. Death was peaceful. Her image in my head is always of the person reading the newspaper in the morning. 

Image of Anju's grandmother in my head.
Image of Anju's grandmother in my head.
  • Holidays are here, so just a few days before we started checking the holiday preparedness of our services. It is so much easier now. One person or a small team can do wonders with the cloud. I still remember working during the holiday season of 2007/08( I am trying to remember the exact year) for a top 10 e-commerce company in the USA. It was called the holiday preparedness project. It used to be such a difficult job, ten years, the cloud has changed the life of small teams.
  • There seem to be COVID-19 fears again. I don't think the world, especially India, is ready for one more assault. 
  • I wrote another post on Embulk and Digdag, which are a significant part of my data stack
  • I will be in Mumbai for a day next week. If you are around, send a hello; I may have; just enough time to catch up for coffee. 

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1 Response

  1. December 30, 2022

    […] Previous Post Weekly Notes 52/2022 https://thejeshgn.com/2022/12/30/weekly-notes-52-2022/ via @thej Posted on December 30, 2022 by @thej in […]

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