Weekly Notes 19/2024

The weekend was good. It was slow; I mostly spent time at Home. Since it was also the beginning of the month, I spent time paying bills. Echo wasn't feeling well this week. He is a baby when he is sick. Thankfully, he is recovering. Hopefully, he will do better next week.

Informal DataMeet-up at Starbucks on Church Street/Bengaluru this Friday! Rukmini is talking about her project.
Informal DataMeet-up at Starbucks on Church Street/Bengaluru this Friday! Rukmini is talking about her project.
  • 👶 Uma uttered "Amma" this week. She keeps saying Theyesh; I am guessing one day she is going to say Thejesh. 
  • 💻 It was a busy week at work and otherwise. But it was "good" kind of busy. So, a lot got done.
  • 😴 I have been procrastinating on some personal government-related tasks. I need to pick them up next week.
  • 💻I wrote a blog post about STAC specifications. I think it's an interesting spec I would like to explore and maybe use with some of the projects I am working on.
  • 🫂I was at the People+AI event in Bengaluru. I learned about some exciting projects, especially Vigyaan Labs and Sarvam.AI.
  • 🫂 Today (Friday), we had a DataMeet-up after a long time (TweetToot). Rukmini was in town, so we thought instead of just meeting with each other, we could do a meetup with the community members. I was expecting less than five folks, hence the Starbucks as a venue and informal meetup. To my surprise, we had more than 20 folks at Starbucks—lots of interesting conversations. I had to leave early, so I missed some parts. Also, I am not surprised at the turnout because DataMeet has always been about enthusiastic people sharing knowledge, ideas, etc. It's just reassuring to know that enthusiasm is still thriving. 

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