Ruizu X52

Anju wanted a replacement for her iPod clip. Even though she said a replacement for the clip, she meant she wanted a minimal, hassle-free, distraction-free music player.

There are not many devices in the market that do the same. Finally, I found the Ruizu X52, which is close enough and, in some ways, a bit better.

Things that I like

  1. Small, it has a clip
  2. Supports both Bluetooth and wire connection
  3. It has sufficient 16GB internal memory but also supports an SD card
  4. It has an FM radio ( needs wired earphones)
  5. it has a recorder for quick note-taking
  6. Connect and copy-paste your MP3 music files
  7. Decent battery performance. It can play and charge at the same time.
  8. Costs around INR 3,000

Things that I don't need but has

  1. Color mini screen that can play video
  2. it can show text files ( ebooks, as they call them)
  3. Pedometer
  4. Can synchronize Lyrics

What I don't like

  1. MicroUSB for connection and charging. They could have used USB-C even if it was low power.

Currently, Uma uses it. She doesn't operate it, but it's connected to her Bluetooth speakers and used to play music for her. We have used it often while traveling and at home for music and white noise.

It is much better than using one of our phones to play music for her. Calls or notifications pause the music when used with our phones, annoying us all. Sometimes, notifications play through the speaker and disturb her. Also, we use our phones when she is sleeping.

Ruizu X52
Ruizu X52

Since all my music is at home now, once in a while, I connect it to my computer and copy new music files from my home server to X52. And that's it. It's ready to go. Overall, I am happy with the buy and the way it's getting used.

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5 Responses

  1. Jeff McNeill says:

    Hi Thejesh, your review was helpful. I’ve got one of these now (x52) and wrote up some thoughts on it here:

    • Thejesh GN says:

      Jeff, Ah I didn’t know about 4000 songs limit. That makes SD card slot useless. Thanks for letting me know. Currently I have about 1000+ on it, so didn’t notice.

  2. Jeff McNeill says:

    I’m looking at rockbox to overcome the file limit, but that could still be affected by the actual ram in the device. No evidence folks have tried it yet.

  1. August 2, 2024

    […] ✍ I wrote a simple review of an MP3 player, Ruizu X52. […]

  2. October 10, 2024

    […] music. She has been carrying around the Bluetooth speaker like a boombox all around the house. That solution had multiple problems. She keeps losing the Bluetooth connection to player Ruizu when she walks […]

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