How does Gmail reach your inbox
We asked you to help us imagine how an email message travels around the world. All it took was a video camera, the Gmail M-velope , and some creativity  and, wow, did you get creative
A container for all my views with excerpts from technology, travel, films, books, kannada, friends and other interests. I am Thejesh GN, friends call me Thej.
An how-to article on VLC called “How to Capture the Screen Using VLC for ScreenCasting” is my most famous article/post on the web. Its been stumbled here. Its been read about 40000+ times until now.I am surprised to see how much traffice Stumbleupon can bring to your site. Thanks to all those who...
Check the bag and the Tata Indicom WLL phone. The guy is a mobile STD/ISD PCO. People who don’t have mobile phone can use his phone to call home/friends in the train. This is what I call Innovation. I think the business model will work. Many Indian train stations don’t have PCO booths...
When Matty floated this idea of Ooty I was in two minds. My image of Ooty had lots of newly married couples or families with lots of kids. I don’t have problem with families or couples. But they don’t fit into my idea of vacation at hill station. Matty did an excellent job...
Everyday I find at least two or three good websites to use. Initially I used blog about them. But then blogging everyday about some website/tool is pain. Now I link only when I have a proper review post. The rest of my best links go to LinkLogger. LinkLogger is where I log about...
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Thejesh GN (ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್) "Thej" is an Independent Technologist, Hacker, Maker, Traveler, Blogger, InfoActivist, Open data and Open internet enthusiast from Bangalore, India. He loves experimenting with all things life and hence some times he is called hacker and other times duct tape. You can read more about him here. Email [ i @ thejeshgn dot com]. PGP/GPG Keys are here.
Fediverse or Mastodon: @[email protected]
(C) Thejesh GN.The views expressed on this site are mine (Thejesh GN) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. Please read the terms and conditions before reading or commenting on this blog.