Tagged: email

Linked List: Fake or Mock SMTP Servers for Email Testing

To test SMTP integration, you can either send emails using the production SMTP or you can run a test SMTP server just for testing. But its not easy for every developer in your team to do that or make it part of your CI/CD. This is where Fake or Mock SMTP servers play a role. They can run on a developers machine and expose an SMTP endpoint to connect and send test emails. They usually have web access to view the test emails to check formatting etc, manually. Some of them also expose a web API to retrieve the content for CI/CD integration. Here are some of my favorite mock SMTP servers.

How to recover shift deleted mails in outlook

How to recover shift deleted mails in outlook

Thanks to Sandeelp GL for sending this tip. 1. Start –> Run2. Run the command regedit.exe.3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options4. Add a new double word ‘DumpsterAlwaysON’ of type REG_DWORD with the value 1 in Hex5. Close the registry editor.6. Restart Outlook.7. Go to Tools –> Recover Deleted Items. That should recover your deleted emails....