Thinking of 2007

The Year that was 2006:
2007 is fast approaching. As I am on vacation from next week I am writing the year end post now. 2006 has been a great year for me offline and online. In 2006 I stared the bog EventsBangalore on blogspot with posting events happening in and around Bangalore. With in a month I was getting a considerable amount of visitors. That’s when I decided to have my own domain and bought


Since then I have made lots of friends online. I get few mails appreciating the blog. When I moved to my own domain It involved the cost of hosting and domain name. This made me to think of monetarizing the blog to at least some level. Since then I have placed Google Adsense on the site. It has worked well until now. From Google Adsense I have been able to cove the hosting fees, few lunches, subscriptions to magazine and also few Ts to readers. So now the blog is self sustained.We have around 5-7k visits per month presently and around 170 users subscribed to the alert list. Hope this will grow next year too.

Mean time I continued to blog here. Tried Text-link-ads here on this site Its working well. It’s paying the hosting fees. I have been able to blog quite regularly.

Offline; I bought a car for myself and did few thousands of kilometers (around 8K) with in six months. Lots of long drives and traveled a lot.

Year 2007:
Will try to add more color to EventsBangalore.I have already started interview series on EventsBangalore where I interview people from Bangalore. Another big thing I am thinking of is to open the EventsBangalore to few more users who like to contribute. Few people have shown interest. I need to see how it goes.

Apply structured blogging on EventsBangalore so that the robots can easily pickup the events and reviews from EventsBangalore.This will be my primary focus next year And of course I am looking to build community.

I have not made any major contribution to the FOSS world. I would like to make some significant contributions in 2007 of which I will be proud of.