Cool…I got the news just now

I did not expect myself to be on the front page(expected an inside story). I am yet to see the paper. Thanks for all those who sent messages and mails. I will write about the trip in detail later this week. Thanks a lot to all my readers, WOMWorld and BangaloreMirror. BTW article is online.

Thanks to Jairaj for the sketch below.

Update: Actual paper front page and page 4.

35 Responses

  1. congrates!! says:

    great to hear!,that u have mentioned about kannada!! thanks!

  2. congrates!! says:

    hi, thejesh!!!, i was totally surprised when i saw ur blog in bangalore mirror newspaper!!!
    its really a great achievement!!!
    bangalore is proud about u!

  3. Hari says:

    Congratulations Thej. You are an inspiration for many :)

  4. Hi Thejesh, Congratz.Good work.Keep it up. All the best for your trip.

  5. prasoon says:

    Cool.. Nice write up by them n yes, congrats once again :)

  6. equilibrium says:

    Hey, that is pretty cool. Congrats :)

  7. Ajay says:

    Congrats Thej! :)

  8. Manjukrishna says:

    congrats Thejesh… and this was awesome.. I heard something about ur blog on radio one also..

  9. Liju says:

    Hey Congrats man. I am so much motivated to write more by your example as I started blogging very recently. I have also preferred to write about the trips etc. This is interesting development for all those who blog.

    Keep it up.

  10. Ashly A K says:

    Congratulations!!!!! Keep writing!!!

  11. Congrats! And enjoy the trip to Helsinki :)

  12. Thejesh GN says:

    Thanks a lot guys.

  13. jairaj says:

    hai dear bhaii…

    today from banglore mirror am heared about you…
    very nice to meet you…

    i have also ablog..
    kindly chek it..

    me here in banglore..

    wishing you allt he best…

    with love

  14. Raj Chennai says:

    Congrats !! Have I met you at BCB? Wish you all the best. Raj

  15. Lokapriya says:

    Congrats Thej.. U’ve been rewarded for ur good work.. Have a bright future..

  16. Congrts Theju,Your achivement inspired middle aged man like me to write blogs. Wish u all the best.

  17. prasanna says:

    Congrats Thej! You have shown how much blogs can do to one’s reputation :)

  18. hey buddy..congrats and have a great trip..

  19. ManojVasanth says:

    Congratulations :-)

  20. M Chandrabhaga says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!! Just saw the front page of Bangalore Mirror and read about you. It is very encouraging for youngsters like u to have interests & hobbies apart from the routine jobs! Good for u!!!

  21. Congrats Thej. Wonderful!!

  22. Sunish says:

    CONGRATULATIONS Thejesh…Way to Go!!
    All the best for ur Finland Visit..Have Fun!!!!!!!!

  23. Thejesh GN says:

    Again…thanks a lot guys.

  24. Harsha says:

    Hey.. congrats :)

  25. Aruna Kumara HM says:

    Thumbu Hridayada Shubhashayagalu kannadiga “Thej” ravarige.
    Inta kelasalagalinda, “Thej” ravara Thejus innuve hechchaagalendu haaraisuttene.

    Enti Nimma,
    Aruna Kumara H Mallegowda

  26. kv says:

    congrats……..have a great trip…proud to be a kannadiga…ENJOY

  27. Thejesh GN says:

    Special thanks to Jairaj for the sketch. Isnt it cool?

  28. Hey Thej,
    May be I dropped in late..Congrats man !!!May be I can also expect something out of my blog.

    Do blog about your experiences there, waiting for it :)

    -Himanshu Sheth

  29. Blogkut says:

    Congratulations Thej, we are proud of your blog listed in BLOGKUT.COM


  30. Lavanya says:

    This is super cool!! To be featured in the front page and for all the right reasons :) Vijaya told me that you have become famous! Enjoy maadi!

  31. Vijesh says:

    Congrats Thej. Keep rocking. :)

  32. Thejesh GN says:

    @lav :) @vijesh thanks

  1. January 9, 2009

    […] and had very interesting conversations. Also got some time to explore Helsinki. Also thanks to Bangalore Mirror for putting me on front page. 8. Got too many happy news by year end. Three of my close friends […]

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