Walking around Fort Galle

If you are following me on instagram you would by now know that we are in Sri Lanka. Both of us love walking, thats our preferred way of exploring new place. Yesterday we walked around beautiful fort Galle. It took us about two and half hours to go around. This is just around the fort. There are places to explore inside the fort. That will probably take more time. But generally one day should be decent to explore the fort by foot. I have the map below and some pictures of iconic monuments.

From Wikipedia

Galle Fort, in the Bay of Galle on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, was built first in 1588 by the Portuguese, then extensively fortified by the Dutch during the 17th century from 1649 onwards. It is a historical, archaeological and architectural heritage monument, which even after more than 423 years maintains a polished appearance, due to extensive reconstruction work done by Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka.

The fort has a colourful history, and today has a multi-ethnic and multi-religious population. The Sri Lankan government and many Dutch people who still own some of the properties inside the fort are looking at making this one of the modern wonders of the world. The heritage value of the fort has been recognized by the UNESCO and the site has been inscribed as a cultural heritage UNESCO World Heritage Site under criteria iv, for its unique exposition of "an urban ensemble which illustrates the interaction of European architecture and South Asian traditions from the 16th to the 19th centuries."

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