Daily Report 7 – Preparation

From tomorrow we are going up. The plan has changed a lot. We are going to Leh via Kashmir. Anyways besides that the plan was endangered by Zoomcar. I really liked the Zoomcar, so much so i contributed to one of their Indigogo campaign too. So I booked this car a month back. There was no compulsion to pay the advance in full. But I did just to make sure. I even hired it for a day last month to try their process. That test itself had some technical issues(?). We were stranded on HAL airport road for couple of hours. But its a startup and a technical snag. So I still went ahead with them, trusting they can't screw up that much.

But today at 6:45 was my pickup time. I get a call around 2 saying they can't give me EcoSport but if I want they will give me a sedan or else I can cancel the order! I was even ready to pay more. But they said no there was nothing available, take it if you want now or cancel the order. I kind of agreed, but A wasn't very happy.

She called Myles, booked EcoSport on phone, in an hour we went and picked up the car. They were extremely professional, friendly and prompt. More than anything else. They saved the day and weeks of effort.

Thank you Miles.


In all this and other happenings in my life, we didn't do much in Delhi.

We are now packed and ready for the mountains.

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