Extract Data from HTML/XML/JSON using Xidel

As you would know, I scrape a lot of web pages as a Data Archivist at DataMeet. I usually use BS4 for this, and it's beautiful, simple, and works. But often don't want to write a python script to do that, and I need a simple tool to get data out of HTML.

I want to curl or wget the HTML and pipe to a tool to get the data I want. Xidel is what I use then. Xidel is an old (since 2012) CLI tool that helps you extract data from HTML, XML, or JSON documents. Xidel goes one more step; you don't even need to do a curl or wget. Xidel does that also for you.

This quick one-paragraph feature list explains what it can do. Visit the tutorial page to learn more.

  • Extract expressions:
    • CSS 3 Selectors: to extract simple elements
    • XPath 3.0: to extract values and calculate things with them
    • XQuery 3.0: to create new documents from the extracted values
    • JSONiq: to work with JSON apis
    • Templates: to extract several expressions in an easy way using a annotated version of the page for pattern-matching
    • XPath 2.0/XQuery 1.0: compatibility mode for the old XPath/XQuery version

  • Following:
    • HTTP Codes: Redirections like 30x are automatically followed, while keeping things like cookies
    • Links: It can follow all links on a page as well as some extracted values
    • Forms: It can fill in arbitrary data and submit the form

  • Output formats:
    • Adhoc: just prints the data in a human readable format
    • XML: encodes the data as XML
    • HTML: encodes the data as HTML
    • JSON: encodes the data as JSON
    • bash/cmd: exports the data as shell variables

  • Connections: HTTP / HTTPS as well as local files or stdin

  • Systems: Windows (using wininet), Linux (using synapse+openssl), Mac (synapse)

Here is an example. I want to get the Total Vaccination Count from mygov.in the covid dashboard. This specific data item comes embedded in the HTML, and for Xidel, it's not a problem.

Firefox developer console view - Copy CSS Selector

I open the Dev console, select and right-click on HTML node. Then I will copy the CSS selector.

Get the data using CSS selectors.

$xidel https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 --css="div.total-vcount:nth-child(5) > strong:nth-child(1)"
**** Retrieving (GET): https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 ****
**** Processing: https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 ****

I don't want any extra logs. Here you go

$xidel https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 --css="div.total-vcount:nth-child(5) > strong:nth-child(1)" --silent

I want JSON output, no problem.

$xidel https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 --css="div.total-vcount:nth-child(5) > strong:nth-child(1)" --silent --output-format=json-wrapped

XML output

$xidel https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 --css="div.total-vcount:nth-child(5) > strong:nth-child(1)" --silent --output-format=xml-wrapped
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


$xidel https://www.mygov.in/covid-19 --css="div.total-vcount:nth-child(5) > strong:nth-child(1)" --silent --output-format=html
<!DOCTYPE html>

Reading and Parsing JSON is also easy. Here I am using JSONiq notation to extract

$xidel https://www.mygov.in/sites/default/files/covid/covid_state_counts_ver1.json --input-format=json  --extract='$json("Death")("15")' --silent

Note: "15" is a string is a key. It's not an array index

Using dot notation

$xidel https://www.mygov.in/sites/default/files/covid/covid_state_counts_ver1.json --input-format=json --extract='($json).Death.15' --silent

There are lots of features that I am yet to explore. I will write more later.

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2 Responses

  1. November 21, 2021

    […] I will run the xidel and pipe the output to a curl to insert a record into a CouchDB […]

  2. December 4, 2021

    […] at the year archive count or running a query on the database. But recently, I have started using Xidel, so why not use it? […]

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