Blogring, aka my Webring
Blogring, aka my Webring, is live now. I have been planning to do this for years. The idea was to recommend the blogs I regularly read to my readers. Only personal blogs or blogs that individuals write are included. It's done now, and it's live. It's my custom webring with a link to my favorite blog along with a short note. It is currently displayed on the sidebar. It changes for every refresh. I am yet to load all my favorite blogs to the DB so that they might repeat.

It's picked up randomly. It depends on Javascript's random function. I also have a recycle button if you like to get another blog recommendation. Most of these blogs have an RSS feed. It's in my CouchDB but not displayed yet. I will add that. I will continue to work on improving that embed widget.
Each blog is a separate record in my DB. _ids are just numbers. There is no particular meaning to it.
"_id": "1",
"_rev": "2-28f1788e6b482b5cb24c4b273e6f5323",
"title": "Dave Winer",
"url": "",
"feed": "",
"tags": [
"RSS Feeds",
"Open Web"
"description": "Dave writes about developing open web applications and open protocols like RSS, OPML, etc. He writes regularly and advocates for open web protocols developed outside big companies. I mostly read his blog every day. "
I have also emended the same widget below too. You can click on ♻️ icon to get another suggestion. Enjoy visiting, reading and subscribing to my favorite blogs.
I have a project page to track updates to this project of mine, if you like to follow.
Hey Thej – Webrings… I just had a flashback to the late 1990’s! And thank you for including me in it – I am honored.
I was thinking about webrings not too long ago, and now I have another project to add to the list. Oh for the time to do it…
Happy New Year!
My pleasure.