Weekly Notes 40/2022
This week we celebrate the birthdays of Gandhi and Shastri. Two honest men Indian politics has ever seen. What I appreciated most in Gandhi was his sense of self-criticism and his ability to speak/write about his weakness in public. I don't think normals can do it then or even today. In Shastri, his simplicity and ability to remain sane while in power and give up the power when required amazes me. It just seems too farfetched in today's society.
- I took a few days off to spend time with family and friends. My niece and nephew are here. It's fun in general.
- Since it's October, I have been trying some craft beer. I must say craft beer has become popular and accessible. Not just beer, wine, and mead have also become accessible in the tin and pint bottles format—the perfect size for tasting new things. I like the Coffee Mead by Moonshine; it's fun to drink and goes very well with spicy Indian food. I have not been to Geist yet, it's been on my list for a long time, but I am still lazy to go out. But this one was good as well. It was a light and easy drink.

- Fixed a bug in scraping the MOHFW COVID19 vaccination data PDF. Its not exactly a bug, they keep changing the format, so the scraping fails. I fixed some old data too.
- Quite surprised to see four newspapers printing old news sponsored by a party on their front page with minimal disclosure. I know elections are next year, but a shameful and unethical move by papers. Screenshots by : durgadahuduga