Who is mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru

Mapping CCTV cameras ( Surveillance ) is a community effort on OSM. You can credit OSM contributors as defined on this page when you use the data. But personally I wanted to see who are the folks who are contributing to this data.

Who is mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru
Who is mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru

So I went to Overpass Turbo and ran this query to get data, including the metadata. It has user data as well. As far as I know, it's the user who updated the node last. There might be cases where user1 added the PoI, and then user2 edited it later. Currently, user2 gets the credit. So it may not be entirely accurate, but it is very close.


Thejesh GN https://thejeshgn.com
Query to get all the surveillance in Bengaluru area.

// gather results

// print results
out meta;

The output will have array of nodes inside elements. Below is an example output with just one node.

  "version": 0.6,
  "generator": "Overpass API e2dc3e5b",
  "osm3s": {
    "timestamp_osm_base": "2023-07-10T06:01:29Z",
    "copyright": "The data included in this document is from www.openstreetmap.org. The data is made available under ODbL."
  "elements": [

  "type": "node",
  "id": 665072280,
  "lat": 12.9779144,
  "lon": 77.5841792,
  "timestamp": "2020-01-20T06:37:55Z",
  "version": 3,
  "changeset": 79779474,
  "user": "ThejeshGN",
  "uid": 82685,
  "tags": {
    "camera:mount": "pole",
    "camera:type": "dome",
    "man_made": "surveillance",
    "surveillance": "public",
    "surveillance:type": "camera",
    "surveillance:zone": "area"


We just need to get unique user, then group them and count them. You can do it bash using

cat export.json | jq .elements[].user | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

and it throws

      1 "advkar983"
      1 "Ashitha S Shetty"
      1 "ashu_27"
      1 "indigomc"
      1 "Monica_50"
      1 "neharikas"
      1 "Omkar2805"
      1 "PantherStrix"
      1 "Saadhana"
      1 "Sandeepsrinivas"
      1 "SubbuBadrinath"
      2 "nileshbarawkar"
      2 "Prashere"
      2 "sadhuyuohp"
      2 "zuron7"
      3 "Chetan_Gowda"
      3 "Saikat Maiti"
      4 "mueschel"
      5 "arunisaac"
     14 "uknown-gryphus"
     22 "reueld"
     26 "localedits"
     38 "voidspacexyz"
     52 "manukp"
     53 "NaanAvanIllai"
    635 "ThejeshGN"
    662 "Vonter"

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1 Response

  1. July 10, 2023

    […] Previous Post Next Post → Who is mapping Surveillance in Bengaluru https://thejeshgn.com/2023/07/10/who-is-mapping-surveillance-in-bengaluru/ Posted on July 10, 2023 by @thej in […]

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