Weekly Notes 45/2023

We spent an extended weekend at Bekkina Kaadu (Linger) near Magadi. We did nothing other than sleep, eat, and watch. On Sunday, we had to rush back as Echo wasn't feeling well. Bekkina Kaadu is very close to the city and yet very far. It can be an ideal place to do focused work as you get Airtel 4G and nothing to distract you (other than of-course internet). The monsoon season will be the best time to spend time there.

  •  CouchDB and Budibase are an excellent combination for me to build personal Apps. The data lives on my personal CouchDB. And the UI and Logic on Budibase. Currently, I am using Budibase SAAS. But if I want, at any point, I can host it myself. Budibase is a FOSS, and it's a big advantage. This week, I wrote a how-to about creating the SIB leaderboard app using this combo.
  • After a long time, I went to the office for a few hours to meet folks on Thursday. As usual, I don't see any point in going to the office other than meeting friends.
  • We got an Instant Pot Duo Plus. I have no idea who comes up with names like Duo, Plus, etc. It's bloody confusing. It's an excellent upgrade to our current regular Prestige pressure cooker. It's 1000 watts, so 5A sockets are suitable to power it. You can use it in most places if you plan to carry it while traveling. 
  • It's a Deepavali weekend. Have a great Deepavali with family, friends, and everyone you love. Hopefully, this Deepavali brings some light to the world leadership and leads them out of the darkness. 
Bekkina Kaadu - Panoramic view
Bekkina Kaadu - Panoramic view

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