Weekly Notes 51/2023
We pushed all the year-end deployments before we hit the holiday season. I am very proud of the Peppo team and their work. It's been a good year.

- I wrote a blog post about why I need to smile more. Visibly.
- I have been following BuzzWomen for a decade now. I am helping them here and there. I am amazed every day at the work they do.
- I watched Tagaru Palya finally. It's a very watchable movie.
- I did a couple more IDVC surveys before the year ended. I will publish the year-end report early in 2024. The number of data points is low for 2023. I plan to do more in 2024.
- We reached Thrissur today. We will be here till the new year starts. We left Bengaluru a little late today, around 3:30 AM. The drive was tiring as the traffic was much more than any other day, and it was car traffic. I usually leave early, around 2 AM, and I see a lot of truck traffic. I don't mind truck traffic; they are much more decent as it's their day job, and I want to go with it without fuss. On the other side, holiday car traffic is very unruly and has lousy road manners. Driving along with them is no fun. We also took a couple of additional breaks for baby care and to avoid crowded traffic.