Weekly Notes 33/2024

It's been a year, and time flies. It is so much fun to see Uma growing up. I am enjoying parenting a lot, more than I thought I would. I have not written much about it. I will write at some point before she grows up :)

From one of or morning walks.
From one of or morning walks.
  • I had a micro dental surgery on Saturday, and a useless and obstructing wisdom tooth was removed.
  • On Sunday, All of us were down with a cold, cough, and tiredness. So we spent most of the time sleeping. It continued during the week as well. I still have a sore throat and a cold. Hopefully, it should be okay by Monday. It was a tiring week overall.
  • I have been procrastinating on a lot of personal work. I am not happy about it. I need to get to them very quickly; I am already late by quarter for some of them. None of them have an immediate effect; hence, the delay, but they are important and will become immediate soon if I keep postponing them. I got one of them done this week. I am happy about that, at least.
  • Sometimes, I blog about things so I can remember them for later. uMap is a great tool, and I use it all the time. I wrote a short post so I can remember it and also recommend it to others.
Uma trying to sing after me.

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2 Responses

  1. Sathya says:

    Congrats on the first year! As the Romanians would say – La Multi Ani (“To many more years!”). Funnily enough I had a wisdom tooth removal as well.

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