Weekly Notes 33/2023

- We are parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl.
- Most of the legal work is complete. We still have some, but it will get done.
- Echo is doing much better this week. He is yet to recover fully and might need another week or so.
- We watched Jailer just for Rajni. It's an average movie, but it will probably entertain fans enough to be a hit.
- I wrote a simple PoI manager for personal use. I want to make it into an unhosted app, which one can configure to work with their own CouchDB.
Congratulations to both of you
Congrats and best wishes to everyone :)
Congratulations and best wishes!
Thank you @om @sameer @sathya and @gurudatta
Congratulations to both of you. Its a turning point in life. Happy parenting!
Awesomeness and Congratulations!