Weekly Notes 49/2024

Yet another slow week. It started well, but we all fell sick, so much so that I had to postpone my Mumbai trip. It began with Uma and ended with me. I will be in Mumbai this coming Monday. Uma will start school again on Monday.

In deep conversation
In deep conversation
  • We met Padma, my first super boss, at Infosys in Milwaukee on Saturday. We don't get to meet often as we live in different countries, and I rarely travel to the USA. Padma was in Bengaluru ( Nandi) for a wedding. We went there to meet her and have breakfast. Uma had fun.
  • By Sunday noon, Uma had a fever; by evening, we were all there. I don't know where we got from. But I hear a bug is going around in Bengaluru. Also, quite a few kids from Uma's school have a fever. It could be just the weather. It's suddenly full pants and sweater weather.
  • I didn't work the first half of the week. The second half of the week went in catching up. I have a pending TODO list that I need to close before I begin the next work week.
  • Reading is going okay, read about 30 pages per day. I also watched a series called Madness on Netflix; it's not bad.
  • Jeff and Jerry have been added to my Weekly Noters subscription list.
  • Keyoxide is a decentralized way to publish or verify online identities. My Keyoxide profile is active now if you are interested in that kind of thing. I have not added all profiles, but there is enough to prove who I am and a way to reach me. I will add other important social profiles soon.

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