Thejesh GN Blog
Weekly Notes 16/2024
In the past three years, NMG results were delayed for various reasons. This year, I aimed to stay on schedule and managed to do so. I announced them on April 14th, just like I said I would. I am pleased about it. This year (2024) is NMG’s seventh year. It’s been eight years since Amma...
NMG – 2024 – Results
Finally, I am on time this year, and the results are here. There were 350+ applications this year. I spent a lot of time in the last two weeks reading and filtering them. There were many eligible and exciting applications, but I am limited by our total funds. Thanks to friends for pitching in. This year’s total grant amount is 2,90,000. Kids scholarship of 1 Lakh is outside the initial budget that I had allocated for NMG. So its more like the base NMG is now 2 Lakhs, rest of it came from friends of NMG.
Weekly Notes 15/2024
The heat wave continues in Bangalore, and there have been no summer rains yet. We have been considering buying an AC for a long time. This week, we purchased it. It is here but is yet to be set up. On the other side, plants love the sun. All of our balcony plants are shining, and there are new dasavala (Hibiscus) flowers.
Building Surveillance in Bangalore leaderboard using Node-Red and CouchDB
I wrote the Surveillance in Bangalore leaderboard using Budibase a while ago. However, I was not impressed with Budibase’s latest changes, so I replaced it with the good old Node-Red flow. Node-Red is already running at my home, so installing it was not required. Since the data was always stored on my instance of CouchDB, I didn’t have to do any migration there. I moved the automation to Node-Red And viewed it using HTML and CouchDB Views.
Weekly Notes 14/2024
We are back in Bangalore. We spent almost a week in Bali celebrating Uma’s first birthday. We walked quite a bit. I wrote about two of them (Ubud and Sanur). I was doubtful if we could walk with Uma in Bali’s heat, but we could, and she did well. They were tiring (good tiring kind)...