Thejesh GN Blog
Coral Wordperfect Lightning – Simple and fast editor
Wordperfect Lightning is a free to download editor. Its pretty simple editor compared to ms-word. But is very fast and has new features for todays office user. Corel® WordPerfect® Lightning™ is free software that makes it easier than ever to capture, use, and reuse ideas, information and images.It helps you perform your most...
My Coorg wedding trip
I am supposed to attend the marriage.Its my best friends wedding (U is marrying S). But looks like I can’t.The project schedule shows that December 8 is the production deployment day. Well anybody in IS would know how crucial is that. Chuck it. But then the marriage is both on 8th and 9th....
Enabling multiple timezones in outlook
Working across time zones is pretty confusing when your scheduling meetings. You may want to check both the clocks to see if it is OK. If both the time lines are displayed on your outlook calendar then it is little easy to do it. Outlook by default displays only one timezone. To enable...
Learn new skills at Sclipo
Many theme based video hosting services are seeing light. We covered Life Videopedi where you can learn anything in five minutes. Now we have Sclipo which also falls into DIY videos category. Here you can find the videos on learning new skills. Sclipo is a website to share videos about everyday knowledge among...
Collabaration: Application sharing using windows messenger
Most of use windows messenger at office as our primary IM. Windows messenger can be used for more than plain IM. Windows messengers allows audio/video Coversation which is useful. But I like application sharing feature of Windows Messenger. Go to Actions and select application sharing. Or follow the steps below suggested by MS...