Blogring, aka my Webring
ad to my readers. Only personal blogs or blogs that individuals write are included. It’s done now, and it’s live.
A container for all my views with excerpts from technology, travel, films, books, kannada, friends and other interests. I am Thejesh GN, friends call me Thej.
I use Pushover to get custom notifications on my phone. I do get all kinds of notifications. I get notifications from my server about their status, Notifications from scrapers like the state of HOPCOMS scraping, Notifications from my weather sensor and AQI etc. Well some of them could have been emails or dashboard1...
HOPCOMS Daily rate page moved to a new location last month. It’s not visible on Google search and hence I couldn’t find. But a good soul at HOPCOMS whom I got in touch with sent me this new link. It’s not just change of url. They have changed the structure of the data...
I have been working on ProjectOnHerOwn since we got selected for Gender Bender 2019. Gender Bender is India’s first arts festival that focuses on fresh perspectives of Gender. Our work #ProjectOnHerOwn will be part of it. #ProjectOnHerOwn is a multimedia exploration through the landscape of women’s experiences of self-discovery, self-reliance and self-assertion. It...
Smart Speakers are becoming popular these days. I see Alexa or Google home everywhere, Voice is an interesting technology and I think it’s going to become very popular amongst younger and elderly community. Here in this tutorial we will create a simple Alexa Skill using OpenWhisk as our serverless platform and CouchDB as our database.
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Thejesh GN (ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್) "Thej" is an Independent Technologist, Hacker, Maker, Traveler, Blogger, InfoActivist, Open data and Open internet enthusiast from Bangalore, India. He loves experimenting with all things life and hence some times he is called hacker and other times duct tape. You can read more about him here. Email [ i @ thejeshgn dot com]. PGP/GPG Keys are here.
Fediverse or Mastodon: @[email protected]
(C) Thejesh GN.The views expressed on this site are mine (Thejesh GN) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. Please read the terms and conditions before reading or commenting on this blog.