Tagged: Free and Open Source
I am a BillMonk refugee. I used it until it went down. Even though it was not FOSS, it was the first app I had seen and used for bill splitting. Today, there are lots of FOSS alternatives. Some of my favorite ones are listed below in this Linked List edition.
I wanted a self-hosted version of the browser’s bookmarks sync system. There are quite a few options. The most appropriate one seems to be xBrowserSync. But even that needs a server-side API setup. It seemed a bit too complex for a simple service and for self-hosting. Then I came across Floccus.
I recently contributed some imagery to the panoramax project. It’s like Street View but is open and free. Then I saw that the panoramax exposes STAC APIs. I wanted to know more about STAC, which led me down a rabbit hole.
Today was election day here in Bengaluru. I voted against Fascism. After voting, Appa and I went to see Kammsandra Kere (lake). It was redone and inaugurated last year. The lake work seemed okay, but there was not even a single drop of water. I wonder if baragala (drought) has been declared in Bengaluru. I think we are in a drought.
I wrote the Surveillance in Bangalore leaderboard using Budibase a while ago. However, I was not impressed with Budibase’s latest changes, so I replaced it with the good old Node-Red flow. Node-Red is already running at my home, so installing it was not required. Since the data was always stored on my instance of CouchDB, I didn’t have to do any migration there. I moved the automation to Node-Red And viewed it using HTML and CouchDB Views.
The reason why I like blogging could be a strange thing. I am not a writer; I am not even good at expressing myself or my thoughts in words. But what I am is a compulsive and obsessive documenter. I like to document things, and I have done so since I was a...