Tagged: Free and Open Source
Both at Mavrix and Janaagraha we have projects that run in public and private collaboration modes. DVCS plays a major role in easy collaboration. Choosing a great DVCS hosting provider is very important for the success of collaboration. After a few days of comparative studies and research, we reached a point where we...
Thanks to people around me Tweet4Blood went Open Source a few days back. The source code is now available on GitHub for anybody to fork and continue development. Last two weeks I have been really busy with IJ.org. I could not deploy the latest version onto tweet4blood.com. I did that today. Now it...
A bunch of UK and Indian geeks gathered at Google office while Cameron was praising Sachin at Infosys campus. It was a kind of unconference made possible by CIS, with the UK Government’s Foreign Office and the Cabinet Office Team for Digital Engagement and Google. The discussions were around open data in India...
I am an early adopter of eeepc but never got a chance to write about it in detail. EEEPC became part of my must carry travel gadgets during my euro trip last year. Ever since them I have carried it to multiple conferences and backpack travels. The only problem I faced was battery...
I am attending FOSS.IN/2008 virtually through twitter (unfortunately I could not attend due to work pressure). Here is my contribution to the FOSS world as part of FOSS.IN/2008. Go to jFotoNotes project page jFotoNotes is java implementation of famous FotoNotes in php. A variation of FotoNotes is also used by flickr. Fotonotes is...
Yet another browser to code for? I guess it will obey ECMA-262 rev3 so don’t worry too much about incompatibilities as of now. Lets see the positive side Its an open source, you get to participate and allows you to write plug-ins Each tab is a separate process.so the effect of one tab...