FilmCamp what’s the outcome and what’s the future?
The first ever FilmCamp comes to an end with a decent satisfaction. FilmCamp produced more success than what I imagined. I can not express my thanks to the effort put by Hrish, Hari and Raghu in simple words; great job guys. They spent days to plan the event. Big thanks also goes to the conventional and non-conventional (aka blogs) media for spreading about event. I appreciate the efforts taken and time spared by Sanjay Jha to attend the event. And last but not the least thanks to BRTFF community for all the support.

Had lot of discussions with Sanjay Jha while driving him to the venue. The chat was like casual talk between two old geeks. It started with plays and movie scene in Bangalore to Blogging. Sanjay Jha is a blogger and LinkedIn user and hence it was easy for me to talk to him about the use of blogs by film makers like Aamir Khan. Well I just read Aamir Khan is moving his present blog to new url AamirKhan.COM. The new site will also have a web cam enabled live chatting feature. I am also interested in knowing what blogging platform he will be using for here.
Sanjay was pressing on the point how AKs blog has replaced his PR. How he can now directly speak to his fans. How it is useful to him and his friends. I wish I can force him to use twitter so I can get tweets from AK on my mobile.
Talk with Sanjay during the dinner was mainly about making a series of short films. He has this novel idea of 20 film makers coming together and making a series of films about one single theme. It could be about anything. Sanjay I think we should work on this.
The films on the first day included few national and at least one international entries. I was amazed at the quality of short films and their content.
And of course I can't forget budding young film makers from Namma Shale. These kids knew almost everything about film making. Six of their short films were shown. They got a standing ovation by the crowd and that tells it all.

I could not attend the second day and workshop. Probably Hrish can give you details on that one. Over all I was satisfied.
The format of FilmCamp was neither like conference nor like regular barcamps. It had talks, shows, discussions and workshops. So probably it is taking its own path. What could be improved from our side is the encouragement to smaller teams to have a tutorial or workshops on different subjects. It could be on anything like sound recording, mixing or even copyright laws with focus on creative commons etc. But I guess like all other events it will mature as it goes.
What was your idea of FilmCamp? Were you happy? What do expect from
next one?
Thanks to Filmcamp.
It was really a grt event for me.
Came across so many film makers.
Vasanth Mokashi,
Sanjay Jha,
Sanjay…so many others.
And got to see so many short films.
Its really grt job by Filmcamp.
Thanks to Filmcamp.
Looking forward for such grt camps….
Awesome. Nice to see how filmcamp turned out. I missed it!
Cheers to FIlm Camp…show must go on!!!
Unforgettable experience.
Hey Thejesh, I found out I was there with you and sanjay when I saw this photo anyways I feel happy about it. I have saved this photo.I wish we should keep meeting more.I have some ideas to share about movies and promotion .Hope you are interested. Do mail me if you can.
Best regards