My Association with UbuntuAtWork

As part of CSR, I was introduced to, in their own words
Ubuntu at Work is a global social networking community that connects women micro entrepreneurs across the developing world with coaches and collaborators around the world who offer them encouragement and support to develop sound business ideas, funding assistance, and networking resources to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations.
It looked very interesting for me as both social media and social entrepreneurship are my biggest interests. I started as a regular volunteer visiting women at their home and trying to understand their business model, financial status etc.
But in recent times my work involved lot of traveling, I shifted my focus to other place "The Web". For UbuntuAtWork web is their second home. We tried to make it is as simple and social as possible. I choose WordPress as the platform. There are many reasons for not selecting it but my biggest reason to select was a. user friendliness and b. community. Today I am happy. The community helped me to integrate twitter, facebook, shopping cart(We are already trying to sell some interesting stuff made by women) with wordpress. The site is as such under continuous construction (Its a living site and not create and forget it, kind of website), I keep tweaking it everyday. I know there are so many things that I can do. I am waiting for buddypress to stabilize, so I can add more social features. There are so many other things in my mind which I am not able to implement as I am traveling. In the mean time suggest me that can make it social and viral.

Working with UbuntuAtWork has been fulfilling. I have met many interesting people, thanks to Vibha. She makes sure to introduce at least two of her friends every week. As I know more people my interest in social media and entrepreneurship keeps growing. One day I might become one!

BTW you can also help one of us at UbuntuAtWork to go to BlogWorld. It just needs a click and doesn't even need an email :)

If you are interested in volunteering. Please leave a comment. One of us will send you the welcome kit.

5 Responses

  1. Ajay Balamurugadas says:

    Hi Thej,

    I’m interested in volunteering. How can I be of any help to this community?


  2. Vibha says:

    @Ajay Balamurugadas : Ajay, we’re thrilled you’d like to volunteer with us. As a first step please create an account for yourself at our website. We’ll email you a welcome kit (please email me or Thej your email address.)

    Welcome to the Ubuntu at Work community!

    Vibha ([email protected])

  3. MR says:

    Hi Thej,

    I’m interested in volunteering. How can I be of any help to this community?


  4. Vibha says:


    Please visit our website and create an account. You can also follow us on Facebook. If you’re in Bangalore, where we have initiatives please email me at [email protected] and I will connect you to one of our initiatives. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.


    @MR : 

  1. December 31, 2009

    […] I am still involved with UbuntuAtWork as volunteer developer. Its been a great year. We will try and archive many more things in coming […]

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