Sabbatical : Time for unofficial official announcement
There are so many things, that I want to do in my life. Life these days is so fast paced (or slow paced) that you rarely get a chance to do what you want. Along with personal inabilities that we fight, other close constraints like society, money, fear, family responsibilities, friends and competition will try to stop you from doing what you want.

I have been thinking about it for more than a year now and its mostly my personal inability to make up my mind which stopped me doing this. My parents, friends above all my sister (my main source of strength) were so supportive. They weren't even shocked when they heard the **news from me**. I think the delay was due to make up my mind wrt to money.
Its not very easy make up your mind to live in 1/3rd of your original salary. But thanks to family and friends, I am taking an year off (community empathy sabbatical) to work for NGO. I am happy that i didn't take too long to decide :) and this is going to be a refreshing change after completing seven years in IT industry.
I would have let you guys know much before but there were so many confusions. Now that it is confirmed
From: community empathy Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:50 PM To: Thejesh G. N. Subject: FW: Congratulations! Dear Thejesh, Congratulations ! We are glad to inform you that your application to proceed on sabbatical for community service has been approved by the selection committee. The approval is done as per details below : Organization : Janaagraha Location : Bangalore Role : Technology Manager Duration : 1 year Monetary Emolument from NGO: None ... ... ... We wish you the very best in your venture Regards, Community Empathy Team
The sabbatical is going to start on Jan/15/2009 Jan/15/2010 and will be till Jan/15/2010 Jan/15/2011. I will be working with Janaagraha, Bangalore. I will write about the things I will doing at Janaagrah in a different post. But All I can say is, its very interesting.
I hope I can make a difference. BTW leave any tips that you have to save money and live frugal. 2010 is going to be an year of experiments.
All the very best, Thej!
Isnt he awesome? I’m glad n jealous. RT @thej: Thejesh GN » Sabbatical : Time for unofficial official announcement
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
gud work,wishing u best of luck.
@Veera @jyoti : Thanks guys.
Congrats on the new move – look forward to hearing of your new adventures. Hope we get to meet eventually
All the very best Sir. Am sure you will leave a mark. :)
You said it: “I am happy that i didn’t take too long to decide”! Congratulations!! It is brave of you and hope you will find it worth the effort. Stay positive and attempt not to judge the NGO from a perspective that romanticises the NGOs and NGOwalas/walis and I feel that you will find it worth it – NGOs and its people exist and work in a given context that they attempt to influence but they also get influenced by it … Living on 1/3rd of the salary, well, differs from person to person but consider work related travels and visits as holidays and indulge at home than restauranting and baranting to save some Rs. Wish you very-very best!
@nisha : Nisha, thanks a lot. I wont try to judge/grade until I finish my term.
@jasmine441 : My pleasure.
Dude, hats off!!
That’s a nice move. Good luck :)
Hatsoff brother! Ur a real geek!! All the very best!!!
Fantastic decision Thej! Try to come for one more meet in Bang DC before u take the sabbatical!
Congratulations and I appreciate the courage in you that many of us do not have it in us. I had thought about this many times and never made it. Wish you the very best! I am sure you will be a better person after this experience.
I think you already are on a frugal path – cycling instead of driving a car is a green thing to do as well.
Congratulations !!..Its great Move..All the Best
Hats off thej. You are one of the role models for guys in this industry. Wish you all the best
Great !!! I am jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the best !!!
@Rajiv Mathew : Thanks bud.
@Manoj @Krishna Chaitanya.T @Prasanna : THanks a ton guys.
@Jayadeep Purushothaman : Yeah, cycling helps. I am planning to use BMTC. But yeah as Nisha suggested, I need to sto eating outside.
@Shreevathsa : Thanks.
@varunkumarm : I am humbled thanks.
@Ashly A K : Hey thanks. I am sure you are :) I will catch you once I reach Bangalore.
awesome move buddy! all the best
Nice news Thej..all the best..From money saving perspective, i would say avoid run of the mill movies at expensive multiplxes if possible.
Tough decision. Reminds me of my friend who worked for a NGO for about 3 months after she quit her job saying that she wants to do something good for her nation before joining her husband in US.
All the best :)
@Naveen Arur : thanks a lot Naveen.
@Hariharan : I am sure, I will stop watching most of them except one like Avatar :)
@Manasa : thanks Manasa.
Hi Thejesh,
I personally went to Janaagraha and met Jasmine and others.
I am one of the volunteer in WISA program of Janaagraha.
I felt very happy working for that project.
Janaagraha people are doing a great job.
I felt it personally.
They are different from other NGOs.
If you want to do social service with professional life that is the correct place.
Good Thejesh. And all the best.
Sreedhar Ambati
Congratulations Thej. This is a fantastic step. I have been *planning* to start my Social Enterprise and have been planning for the last 3 years. It’s easy to plan, but difficult to execute.
Are you living in Hyderabad by any chance? Pass me your number and will ping you next time when I am there.
Good luck and wish you all the very best.
@sreedhar : thanks.
@Hari : Thanks a lot Hari.
All the best Thej.. will follow your blog on this new venture!
Hi Thejesh, Glad to know this. You are setting a benchmark for the folks in IT industry. Keep up your good work. Wish you all the best.
Wish you All the best Thej..!!
all the best…
Make a diff.
Hi Thej,
You are a source of inspiration for a novice like me.
I had called u once regarding the procedure to apply for sabbatical.
well, I spoke to my Manager finally and waiting for his reply.
All the very best in your work