HappyTuesday Week 3 – CitizenMatters

oorvani_cm I have never written about CitizenMatters before, it seems very strange. CitizenMatters as they define is a Bangalore focused, citizen-oriented news-magazine, covering city public affairs, community and culture. They do a great job of it. Its run by Oorvani Foundation which is also behind IndiaTogether. They have been a great supporter of Open Data movement and have helped me and DataMeet in organizing OpenDataCamp - Bangalore.

Okay coming back to my HappyTuesdays. Its been one of the lowest productive tuesdays. I started with scraper for BBMP financial data. This request came from CitizenMatters. I am half done and I should be able to complete this week. This week I also completed the actual scraping of Coimbatore Property Tax and uploaded it to Internet Archive

It looks like I am going to do lot of web scraping in future too. I have a pattern for all my scraping projects. It's a waste of time to create that project structure every time and hence I created a bare bone project structure called scraping that I can fork for every new scraping project.

On a side note, Community funding is the only way to build a truly public media to produce consistent and quality journalism. I can't think of any better candidate than CitizenMatters. So please do contribute to Oorvani foundation. Nothing is small.

Update 18/July/2014:
Citizen matters is running this quote on their website. Thanks for thinking my views are valuable. You can click on it to visit their support page.

1 Response

  1. July 16, 2014

    […] Thejesh GN ⏚ ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್ […]