Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2020 Open for Applications

We are in the third year of Nagarathna Memorial Grant. This year we are opening a month early so we will have more time to figure things out.

Nagarathna Memorial Grant is a no strings attached grant of one lakh rupees (~$1400). It’s a micro grant targeted at everyone. The reason for grant could be anything as long its meaningful to you and people around. Though I prefer free and open source or creative commons projects. It’s not a must. The grantees (Sanchaya, Sampoorna) of 2019 have done some amazing work.

‍F‍rom Sanchaya: Nagarathna memorial grant 2019 
NMG Grant helped us drive the Kannada Books digitisation project in multiple ways for which we are very thankful to Shri Thejesh GN. Here is how we are utilising the fund. The funds are mainly utilised for the following requirements of digitization process - Purchasing out-of-copyright books, Transportation/Courier charges to receive/send old books, Stationary etc

The initial run of digitization process was tough as we had not expected to run this project as a full time activity - adding a person at IASc to help with digitization at a minimal cost did help us drive the process smoothly. NMG 2019 helped us take care of the initial few months of expenditure until we received the promised support for this from Sanchi Foundation.

Now I am kicked to see what 2020 has for us. The applications for the year 2020 is open from today. Do apply or share the details amongst interested people. Have a look at 2018, 2019 grantees list for inspiration.

ನಾಗರತ್ನ ಸ್ಮಾರಕ ಅನುದಾನ - Nagarathna Memorial Grant

ನಾಗರತ್ನ ಸ್ಮಾರಕ ಅನುದಾನ - Nagarathna Memorial Grant

Please remember the important dates and the application is a very simple email.

Jan 14, 2020 – Application process opens
Mar 14, 2020 – Application process closes
April 14, 2020 – Announcement

There is also an announcement only email list which you can join by sending an email to It’s the best way to get updates.

Remember nothing is out of scope. Apply, Share.

1 Response

  1. April 2, 2020

    […] I announce the results on April 14. This year it won’t happen. When I announced it in Jan 2020 world was a different place. Today world is a different place. I have the money. But I am not sure […]