Weekly Notes 31/2022

  • NMG+GSUS – 2022 – Results are out. I am happy about the outcome even though we are very late this year. This year was our fifth edition year. I have many things to write about. I will, once I get time to gather my thoughts. 
  • Added my initial notes about Unified User Status and Availability. In the next phase, I will publish APIs and code.
  • I finally got a chance to update the MAD-2 project page. It links all screencasts I recorded as part of the MAD-2 course for IITM. It's 600+ minutes in total. 
  • I started learning Rust again, this time a bit more seriously than the last time. I am writing a CLI so I can learn by way of doing. I think Python and Rust will go together very well. I am using Rust by Example a lot to figure things out. I am using IntelliJ IDEA with Rust plugin
  • In case you are planning to hoist a flag on the 75th independence day of India. Try and buy a flag from Khadi Bhavan. It's made up of Khadi and made locally. Nothing beats the Khadhi flag. 
Khaadi flag is uncomparable
  • I have added a couple of blogs to my blogring. There are about 37 blogs in total in the ring. This simple widget on the home page is not enough to discover these beautiful blogs. I need a listing page or a search page. Also, I need a way to auto-subscribe to these blogs in my liferea. So I need a way to convert these JSON objects into OPML entries. On a side note, I have been reading all the old blog posts of Peter Rukavina. I love how personal his blog is.

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