Embedding Web Examples

I have been looking for embeddable, playable HTML/CSS/JS snippets for some time. Services like JSBin,  CodePenCodeSandbox, etc., do allow that. But I was looking for a self-hosted version as my requirement was just the ability to use HTML/CSS/JS, which are native to the browser and can run offline without any backend services. 

This week I found Jotted. That is exactly what I wanted. To my surprise, it's not a new project. I wonder why I took so much time to find it.

Environment for showcasing self-hosted HTML, CSS and JavaScript snippets, with editable source.


I like the Codepen(Result on the top) version, but you could make it look like JSBin (panels next to each other) or just tabbed. There are many more configurations available to customize. Check the developer documents.

So below, I have embedded some examples. All three examples are the same but have different looks and feel. You can modify the code and rerun it. 

Codepen like


JSBin like

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2 Responses

  1. November 3, 2022

    […] Previous Post Next Post → Embedding Web Examples https://thejeshgn.com/2022/11/03/embedding-web-examples/ via @thej Posted on November 3, 2022 by @thej in […]

  2. November 4, 2022

    […] added the ability to embed runnable HTML/CSS/Javascript code examples to my blog. This should also help MAD1 and […]