Weekly Notes 44/2022

It's Kannada Rajyotsava week. I have been unable to work on Nithya Kannada for a long time. I hope to contribute in other ways; how about a bot that sends a Kannada word daily? It could be helpful to even Kannada native speakers. Let me know.

View of MG Road Metro Station from Ebony
  • We are in the tenth year now—time flies. We went out for lunch at beautiful Karavalli in Taj Gateway ( Now Taj Vivanta) on Residency road. The food and service are good, and I love the setup too.
  • I have reduced Twitter usage a lot. The number of Tweets by me has decreased. But if you still want to get my tweets, you can try the RSS feed. Behind the scene, every tweet (and Instagram picture) becomes a post on my WordPress blog at thej.in, which you can access on the web or as an RSS feed. 
  • I have started adding location taxonomy to the posts where it makes sense. I will evaluate it after a while to see if it makes sense. If yes, then I will keep them. For now, my weekly posts will have a location. I might slowly add it to older if it makes sense.
  • I added the ability to embed runnable HTML/CSS/Javascript code examples to my blog. This should also help MAD1 and MAD2.
  • I see folks digging roads for gas pipelines everywhere. This piped gas line is a temporary solution. Ultimately it will be Electricity for cooking, heating, and transport at home. I am not sure why we are spending so much money and energy on piped gas instead of strengthening our grid. It will take anywhere from 15 to 30 years to lay pipes across India ( considering there are still villages without Electricity, though electrification started decades back ). By that time, gas will not be an option; and we will have to work on the grid again. While you are at it, listen to these three episodes of A Matter of Degrees - "What Can I Do?" Part 1 — The PersonalPart 2 — The Professional,  Part 3 — The Political.
  • I was at Ebony MG Road for a business meeting. The food was average, but the views were excellent. 

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1 Response

  1. November 4, 2022

    […] Previous Post Weekly Notes 44/2022 https://thejeshgn.com/2022/11/04/weekly-notes-44-2022/ via @thej Posted on November 4, 2022 by @thej in […]

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