Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2023 Open for Applications
2023 is going to be sixth edition of NMG. Yes, we have already completed five years, and some of the grantees have done some fantastic work. I have taken up the task of collating stories of those outstanding grantees and their work. Maybe we all get to read it sometime this year, but I digress.
The 2023 grant application is open. The application is a simple google form. Go ahead and fill it out. It takes five minutes. You can look at previous grantees on the project page for inspiration. Remember, nothing is out of scope. Apply, Share.
Nagarathna Memorial Grant is a no strings attached grant of one lakh rupees (~$1400). It's a micro-grant targeted at everyone. The reason for grant could be anything as long it's meaningful to you and the people around you. Though I prefer free and open source or creative commons projects. It's not a must.

Please remember the important dates; the application is a very simple google form.
- January 15, 2023 – The application opens
- March
1531, 2023 – The application closes April 14,June 1st,June 5thJune 21, 2023 – Announcement
There is also an announcement-only email list which you can join by sending an email to [email protected]. It's the best way to get updates.
Note 1: Just like last time, the total amount could be more than 1 Lakh. I will update you on that in the next update post.
Note 2: If you were a grantee of NMG, I want to catch up with you for a coffee, and maybe I can write a blog post about your project if you are open to it. So expect that email.
Note 3: Application deadline extended till March 31st.
Note 4: We are still processing the applications. Results will be announced on June 1st.
Note 4: We have an additional donor and Rs.50K. I will need a couple more days Results will be announced on June 5th.
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[…] NMG 2023 is our sixth edition of NMG. And it’s open for applications. […]